Osman Fırat Çalışkan - Profile Picture

Hi, my name's

Osman Fırat Çalışkan.

I'm pediatrician and software developer. Have been in the software industry since 2002 . Developed applications for my own working life and education. Studied medicine and continued my path with pediatrics as a specialty. During my education, continued to develop software and developed freelance software projects . In 2002 started desktop development and in 2013 started full stack web development .

Get Resume


  • Isparta Süleyman Demirel Fen Lisesi

    Isparta Süleyman Demirel Fen Lisesi

    High School

    2005 - 2009

  • Fırat University

    Fırat University


    2009 - 2017

  • Mustafa Kemal University

    Mustafa Kemal University

    Medical Specialty Education (Pediatrics)

    2018 - 2023


  • VBA and VB.NET [ 10 years ]
  • PHP, Javascript [ 9 years ]
  • Node.js [ 5 years ]
  • Vue.js [ 5 years ]
  • Laravel [ 3 years ]
  • Nuxt [ 2 years ]
  • Typescript [ 1 years ]

Other than that, I use Figma for design, Git and Docker for Devops tools.

Projects and Works

  • Frontendship


    Open-source community


    2023 - Current

  • nöbetim


    Staff shift schedule planning

    Co-founder with Mert

    2021 - Current

  • pediatrim


    Medical clinic management system

    Co-founder with Mert

    2020 - Current